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2024 Expedition Season

In 2024, E/V Nautilus will embark on one of our widest-ranging seasons ever, spending eight months exploring the Central, Eastern, and Western Pacific, mapping unsurveyed seafloor, and bringing new views of never-before-seen seafloor to the world. Join us in characterizing deep-sea habitats through detailed ROV observation, as well as integrating emerging technologies to help accelerate the pace of learning about the ocean. The goals of these expeditions are based on community input from scientists and resource managers as well as from local communities and stakeholders in the regions where the expeditions will take place.

Our nine 2024 expeditions in Hawaiʻi, American Samoa, US Pacific Remote Islands, Palau, and Canada will contribute to the oceans being better understood by supporting international scientific and U.S. governmental priorities, particularly understanding ocean changes, sharing that knowledge with others, and contributing new discoveries and data that will inform future conservation and resource management decisions. OET will also continue to advance our priorities of education, diversity, and inclusion by creating more opportunities and inclusive programs — both at sea and onshore — ensuring we include and amplify historically marginalized voices in the deep-sea exploration and STEAM communities.

Expedition Map

Ocean Exploration Trust

Expedition Partners

NOAA Ocean Exploration logo in blue wave-like font Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute ONR logo ONC logo Bureau of Ocean Energy Management logo